Sunday, July 15, 2007

Melissa Cord

She was more like a tranny queen
on the sex change scene
I said I don't mind but what do you mean
he bombed the Ts

who would dance
at the pit
with a bulge

She told me her name was Melissa Cord
and I got real bored
then all eyes turned on her
cause she was packing a gun

who would dance
at the pit
with a bulge

People always told me
be careful what you do
don't go and live with a terrorist
and Mama always told me
look down there before you fuck
be careful what you do
because the chick she is a dude, hey hey

Melissa Cord is not a woman
she's just a dude who says that he is a she
but the she is really a he

10 years of domestic partnership
the law was on their side
but who can stand when she's in demand
her stupid holy crackers
who would dance at the pit with a bulge
so take my strong advice
just remember to check down there twice
do look twice do look twice

she caused her boyfriend to bomb the Ts
then she looked at me
I screamed when I looked close and
saw her adam's apple like mine
who would dance at the pit with a bulge

people always told me
be careful what you do
don't go and live with a terrorist
ooh hoo
and she came and stood right by me
I could smell testosterone
this happened all too soon
I shouldn't have gone into that school hey hey


1 comment:

Gericamolotov29 said...

This is just brilliant.I am very proud.